--SQL Server:
Select TOP N * From TABLE Order By NewID() --开头到N条记录Select Top N * From 表--N到M条记录(要有主索引ID)Select Top M-N * From 表Where ID in (Select Top M ID From 表) Order by ID Desc--选择10从到15的记录select top 5 * from (select top 15 * from table order by id asc) A order by id desc --N到结尾记录Select Top N * From 表Order by ID Desc 统计比例:0.11select cast( (sum( case when id=2 then 1 else 0 end) +0.00)/Count(1) as decimal(18,2)) as 比例 from @rtb
--显示最后5条记录,但是显示的顺序必须为5,6,7,8,9,10,而不是10,9,8,7,6,5 如下解决方法:
select top 5 from test where id in(select top 5 from test orderby id desc) orderby id asc --通过这个问题也能总结出4-10条,5-100条这种限定一定范围内的sql语句的写法:selecttop<末端ID-顶端ID+1>*from<表名>where ID notin(selecttop<顶端ID-1>) ID from<表名>)--例如:4-10条就应该写成selecttop10-4+1*from test where id notin(selecttop4-1 id from test)
上一篇: select top 1 * from [news_table] where [新闻标识列]<当前id号 where ......
下一篇: select top 1 * from [news_table] where [新闻标识列]>当前id号 where ...... order by [新闻标识列] desc
--最新发布的20条信息列表,要求包含:信息ID、信息标题、信息发布时间、信息发布人姓名、信息评论总数和最后评论时间,并且按最后评论时间排序SelectTop(100) a.infoID,a.infoTitle,a.infoPubDate,c.userName,Max( b.infoReplyDate ) As 最后时间,Count( b.infoReplyID ) As 评论总数 From info a LeftJoin[InfoReply] bOn a.infoID = b.infoID LeftJoin[User] c On a.infoPubUser = c.userNo And b.infoReplyUser =c.userNo GroupBy a.infoPubDate,a.infoID,a.infoTitle,c.userName OrderByMax( a.infoPubDate ) desc
create table t (name varchar(20))
--drop table t --DELETE t insert into t select '1' union all select '2' union all select '3' union all select '5' union all select '5' union all select '5' union all select '6' union all select '3' union all select '4' /* 找出相同的 3 5 5 5 3 */ --1. in select * from t where NAME in (select name from t group by name having count(name)>1) --2. join select t.* from t join (select name from t group by name having count(name)>1 ) a on T.NAME=a.name --3 . EXISTS select * from t where exists ( select * from (select name from t group by name having count(name)>1 ) a where a.NAME=t.name ) -- 4. 2005 ROW_NUMBER() select t.* from t join (select * from (select row_number() over (partition by NAME order by name) as id, name from t ) a where id=2 ) b on t.NAME=b.name
--号码相同 内容不同 select a.* from hebin4 a where exists(select 1 from hebin4 b where Phone=a.Phone and msg <>a.msg)
--大数据找差集 select t.ip into iptemp from ( SELECT b.ip FROM tb1 a JOIN tb2 b on b.num between a.startnum and a.endnum ) t SELECT ip FROM tb2 except SELECT ip FROM iptemp |
use CTC315 select * from sysfiles dump transaction CTC315 with no_log DBCC SHRINKFILE ('CTC315_Log') set ANSI_NULLS ON set QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON go create procedure [dbo].[p清除日志] @databasename varchar(100) -- 数据库名称 as begin declare @execsql nvarchar(max), -- 执行语句 @logfilename varchar(100) -- 日志逻辑文件 select @execsql='select @filename=name from '+@databasename +'.dbo.[sysfiles] where fileid=2' -- 查询文件名 -- select 1,@execsql,@logfilename exec sp_executesql @execsql,N'@filename varchar(100) output ',@logfilename output -- select 1,@logfilename select @execsql='use '+@databasename +' dump transaction '+@databasename+' with no_log ' +' DBCC SHRINKFILE ('+@logfilename+') ' -- 清除脚本 -- select @execsql exec sp_executesql @execsql -- 清除 end /* exec [p清除日志] 'master' */
SQL 7.0/2000: BACKUP TRANSACTION DBName WITH TRUNCATE_ONLY DBCC SHRINKFILE(2,200) SQL 2005: 在 SQL 2005 中備份 Transaction Log 語法改為 Backup LOG BACKUP LOG DBName WITH NO_LOG DBCC SHRINKFILE(2,200) SQL 2008: 必須先將復原模式改為 "簡單" 才能清除,完成之後再將模式改回 "完整" USE DBName Alter Database DBName Set Recovery Simple DBCC SHRINKFILE(2,100) Alter Database DBName Set Recovery Full SQL 2008 R2: USE DBName; GO -- Truncate the log by changing the database recovery model to SIMPLE. ALTER DATABASE DBName SET RECOVERY SIMPLE; GO -- Shrink the truncated log file to 10 MB. DBCC SHRINKFILE (2, 10); GO -- Reset the database recovery model. ALTER DATABASE DBName SET RECOVERY FULL; GO *上述 DBCC SHRINKFILE (2, 10),2指的是LOG File, 10指的是壓到10MB哦!
--删除上万条记录 不要用 not in delete from acct_item a where not exists (select 1 from subs b where a.subs_id=b.subs_id )
set rowcount=1 delete from thetablename where id=@duplicate_id--@duplicate_id为重复值的id --模糊查询select * from product where detail like '%123.jpg%'--替换字段里面部分内容update product set detail=replace(cast(detail as varchar(8000)),'abc.jpg','efg.jpg')
--SQL 替换掉 括号部分内容select reverse(stuff(reverse(ServiceShopName), 1, charindex('(', reverse(ServiceShopName)), '')) from dbo.[签名] update dbo.签名 set ServiceShopName=reverse(stuff(reverse(ServiceShopName), 1, charindex('(', reverse(ServiceShopName)), ''))select distinct('【'+ServiceShopName+'】') from dbo.签名
--查询逻辑顺序 (8) SELECT (9) DISTINCT (11) <TOP_specification><select_list> (1) FROM<left_table>(3) <join_type>JOIN<right_table> (2) ON<join_condition> (4) WHERE<where_condition> (5)GROUPBY<group_by_list> (6) WITH {CUBE | ROLLUP} (7) HAVING<having_condition> (10)ORDERBY<order_by_list>
(5) SELECT (5-2) DISTINCT (5-3) TOP(<top_specification>) (5-1) <select_list> (1) FROM (1-J) <left_table> <join_type> JOIN <right_table> ON <on_predicate> | (1-A) <left_table> <apply_type> APPLY <right_table_expression> AS <alias> | (1-P) <left_table> PIVOT(<pivot_specification>) AS <alias> | (1-U) <left_table> UNPIVOT(<unpivot_specification>) AS <alias> (2) WHERE <where_predicate> (3) GROUP BY <group_by_specification> (4) HAVING <having_predicate> (6) ORDER BY <order_by_list>
--取到小數第二位四捨五入 SelectConvert(Numeric(20,2), IsNull(50.01634,0)) --50.02 SelectConvert(Numeric(20,2), IsNull(9,0)) --9.00
set statistics io on
set statistics time on
ALTERproc[dbo].[seequerytime]@sqlvarchar(max) asset nocount ondeclare@ddatetimeset@d=getdate()/*你的SQL脚本开始*/exec (@sql) /*你的SQL脚本结束*/declare@resultintselect@result=datediff(ms, @d,getdate()) select@resultprint@result 调用 exec[seequerytime]'select * from dbo.费用表 where 生成日期=''2008-12-09 00:00:00.000'''
【关闭SQL Server 数据库所有使用连接】use master go create proc KillSpByDbName(@dbname varchar(20)) as begin declare @sql nvarchar(500),@temp varchar(1000) declare @spid int set @sql='declare getspid cursor for select spid from sysprocesses where dbid=db_id('''+@dbname+''')' exec (@sql) open getspid fetch next from getspid into @spid while @@fetch_status <>-1 begin set @temp='kill '+rtrim(@spid) exec(@temp) fetch next from getspid into @spid end close getspid deallocate getspid end --举例使用,关闭数据库下的所有连接操作Use master Exec KillSpByDbName '数据库名称' (一)挂起操作在安装Sql或sp补丁的时候系统提示之前有挂起的安装操作,要求重启,这里往往重启无用,解决办法:到HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlSession Manager删除PendingFileRenameOperations(二)收缩数据库--重建索引DBCC REINDEXDBCC INDEXDEFRAG--收缩数据和日志DBCC SHRINKDBDBCC SHRINKFILE(三)压缩数据库dbcc shrinkdatabase(dbname)(四)转移数据库给新用户以已存在用户权限exec sp_change_users_login update_one,newname,oldnamego(五)检查备份集RESTORE VERIFYONLY from disk=Evbbs.bak(六)修复数据库ALTER DATABASE [dvbbs] SET SINGLE_USERGODBCC CHECKDB(dvbbs,repair_allow_data_loss) WITH TABLOCKGOALTER DATABASE [dvbbs] SET MULTI_USERGO
--过滤关键词 declare @sql varchar(max) set @sql = ' select Id, UserId, SendId, Phone, Message, SentTime, CreateTime, BatchId,null Result1,CompanyID from #tb where 1=1 ' select @sql = @sql + ' and [Message] not like ' + '''' + '%' + Name + '%' + '''' from ShieldWord where 1 = 1 --exec (@sql)
--地址 加 市(没有就加,有则不改) update Business_Login set [Address] =CASE WHEN [Address] LIKE '广州%' THEN [Address] ELSE '广州市'+ [Address] ENd where CityID=190 --跨数据库更新表 update Business_Login set Business_Login.[Address] = A.[Address] FROM Yht.dbo.Business_Login A where Business_Login.BusinessId= A.BusinessId and Business_Login.CityID=190 and Business_Login.CityID=A.CityID
SELECT a.BusinessId, a.CityID, CASE WHEN CHARINDEX(b.CityName, a.[Address]) = 0 THEN b.CityName + a.[Address] ELSE a.[Address] END AS ADDRESS FROM Business_Login a LEFT JOIN T_City b ON b.CityID = a.CityID --批量更新 update a set a.[Address] =CASE WHEN CHARINDEX(b.CityName, a.[Address]) = 0 THEN b.CityName + a.[Address] ELSE a.[Address] END FROM Business_Login a, T_City b where b.CityID = a.CityID --Tag update Business_Login set Tag = A.CategoryName from B_Category A
--限制某ip一个小时内不能频繁操作 SELECT COUNT(1) AS num FROM PhoneVcode where datediff( s, CreateTime,getdate())>=1 AND datediff( s, CreateTime,getdate())<=3600
and Ip in (SELECT Ip FROM PhoneVcode WHERE Ip='' GROUP BY Ip having count(Ip)>2)
select top m * from tablename where id not in (select top n id from tablename) select top m * into 临时表(或表变量) from tablename order by columnname -- 将top m笔插入set rowcount n select * from 表变量order by columnname desc select top n * from (select top m * from tablename order by columnname) a order by columnname desc
--Trim not removing spaces 不能去掉空白 -- 10- 换行, 13 - 回车, 32 - 空格 ,160 - 空格 SELECT LTRIM(RTRIM(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE([YourColumn], CHAR(10), CHAR(32)), CHAR(13), CHAR(32)), CHAR(160), CHAR(32)))) AS [YourColumn] FROM [YourTable]
复制表(只复制结构,源表名:a 新表名:b) (Access可用) 法一:select * into b from a where 1 <>1 法二:select top 0 * into b from a select * into SendBatch_DianXin from SendBatch where 1=0
拷贝表(拷贝数据,源表名:a 目标表名:b) (Access可用) insert into b(a, b, c) select d,e,f from b; 跨数据库之间表的拷贝(具体数据使用绝对路径) (Access可用) insert into b(a, b, c) select d,e,f from b in ‘具体数据库’where 条件例子:..from b in '"&Server.MapPath(".")&"\data.mdb" &"' where.. 子查询(表名:a 表名:b) select a,b,c from a where a IN (select d from b ) 或者: select a,b,c from a where a IN (1,2,3) 显示文章、提交人和最后回复时间select a.title,a.username,b.adddate from table a,(select max(adddate) adddate from table where table.title=a.title) b 外连接查询(表名:a 表名:b) select a.a, a.b, a.c, b.c, b.d, b.f from a LEFT OUT JOIN b ON a.a = b.c 在线视图查询(表名:a ) select * from (SELECT a,b,c FROM a) T where t.a > 1; between的用法,between限制查询数据范围时包括了边界值,not between不包括select * from table1 where time between time1 and time2 select a,b,c, from table1 where a not between 数值and 数值in 的使用方法select * from table1 where a [not] in (‘值’,’值’,’值’,’值’) 两张关联表,删除主表中已经在副表中没有的信息delete from table1 where not exists ( select * from table2 where table1.field1=table2.field1 ) 四表联查问题:select * from a left inner join b on a.a=b.b right inner join c on a.a=c.c inner join d on a.a=d.d where .. 日程安排提前五分钟提醒SQL: select * from 日程安排where datediff('minute',f开始时间,getdate())>5 一条sql 语句搞定数据库分页select top 10 b.* from (select top 20 主键字段,排序字段from 表名order by 排序字段desc) a,表名b where b.主键字段= a.主键字段order by a.排序字段选择在每一组b值相同的数据中对应的a最大的记录的所有信息(类似这样的用法可以用于论坛每月排行榜,每月热销产品分析,按科目成绩排名,等等.) select a,b,c from tablename ta where a=(select max(a) from tablename tb where tb.b=ta.b) 包括所有在TableA 中但不在TableB和TableC 中的行并消除所有重复行而派生出一个结果表(select a from tableA ) except (select a from tableB) except (select a from tableC) 随机取出条数据select top 10 * from tablename order by newid() 随机选择记录select newid()
selectdistinct provincename ,newid() from City orderbynewid(),provincename
declare @x xml select @x=cast(''+replace(@Ids,',','')+'' as xml) begin --插入 INSERT dbo.tb select 111,t.value('.','int'),getdate() from @x.nodes('/A') as x (t)
--效率提高几百倍 (号码前n位相同视为连续 数目小于3的) select a.* from 提取不连续号码 a join (select left(phone,7) as p from 提取不连续号码 group by left(phone,7) having count(1)<3) b on left(a.phone,7)=b.p
with t as (select row_number() over(order by getdate()) rn, left( phone,5) p,phone from tb ) select a.rn,a.phone from t a left join t b on a.rn=b.rn+1 left join t c on a.rn=c.rn-1 where cast(a.p as int)-cast(b.p as int)<>0 and cast(a.p as int)-cast(c.p as int)<>0
删除重复记录 Delete from tablename where id not in (select max(id) from tablename group by col1,col2,) select distinct * into #Tmp from TB drop table TB select * into TB from #Tmp drop table #Tmp 在几千条记录里,存在着些相同的记录,如何能用SQL语句,删除掉重复的呢? 1、查找表中多余的重复记录,重复记录是根据单个字段(peopleId)来判断 select * from people where peopleId in (select peopleId from people group by peopleId having count(peopleId) > 1) 2、删除表中多余的重复记录,重复记录是根据单个字段(peopleId)来判断,只留有rowid最小的记录 delete from people where peopleId in (select peopleId from people group by peopleId having count(peopleId) > 1) and rowid not in (select min(rowid) from people group by peopleId having count(peopleId )>1) 3、查找表中多余的重复记录(多个字段) select * from vitae a where (a.peopleId,a.seq) in (select peopleId,seq from vitae group by peopleId,seq having count(*) > 1) 4、删除表中多余的重复记录(多个字段),只留有rowid最小的记录 delete from vitae a where (a.peopleId,a.seq) in (select peopleId,seq from vitae group by peopleId,seq having count(*) > 1) and rowid not in (select min(rowid) from vitae group by peopleId,seq having count(*)>1) 5、查找表中多余的重复记录(多个字段),不包含rowid最小的记录 select * from vitae a where (a.peopleId,a.seq) in (select peopleId,seq from vitae group by peopleId,seq having count(*) > 1) and rowid not in (select min(rowid) from vitae group by peopleId,seq having count(*)>1) ----每次按需要取14 电话号码跟消息相同的 每次取只取2条 先进先出原则 SELECT b.* INTO #tb FROM ( SELECT TOP 15 * FROM ( SELECT Id, UserId, SendId, Phone, Message, SendTime, CreateTime, BatchId, ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( PARTITION BY [Message] ORDER BY [Message], Phone, CreateTime ) AS keyid FROM dbo.Send_Api ) a WHERE a.keyid < 3 ) b
经典尝试 删除重复值 declare @table table (id int,name nvarchar(10)) insert into @table select 1,'aa' union all select 1,'aa' union all select 2,'bb' union all select 3,'bb' union all select 4,'cc' union all select 1,'aa' union all select 4,'cc' delete a from ( select id,name,rn = row_number() over (partition by id,name order by id) from @table ) a where rn > 1 select * from @table id name ----------- ---------- 1 aa 2 bb 3 bb 4 cc (4 row(s) affected)
--去重复 重复超过3个以上的保留前3个 不保留重复的顺序 SELECT * FROM ( SELECT rid=ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY phone ORDER BY id desc),* FROM 去重复保留前三 ) AS T WHERE rid<=3 ORDER BY id
// 去重复 顺序不变 保留n个 if (n == 1) { IEnumerable<string> p = phones.Distinct(); mobile = string.Join(",", p); } if (n > 1) { var q = phones.Select((u, index) => new { phone = u, id = index + 1 }).ToList(); var s = q.OrderBy(x => x.id).GroupBy(x => x.phone) .Select(g => new { g, count = g.Count() }) .SelectMany(t => t.g.Select((j, i) => new { j.phone, j.id, rn = i + 1 })); var o = s.OrderBy(t => t.id).Select(t => t); List<string> list=new List<string>(); foreach (var item in o) { if (item.rn <= n) { list.Add(item.phone); } } mobile = string.Join(",", list); }
--事务(进程 ID 77)与另一个进程被死锁在 锁 | 通信缓冲区 资源上,并且已被选作死锁牺牲品。请重新运行该事务。--优先选择3,2,1--1.表后面加with (nolock)--2.会话前面加 update的时候,能selectSET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL Read uncommitted --3.整个数据库隔离级别改为行版本ALTER DATABASE SMMM SET SINGLE_USER WITH ROLLBACK IMMEDIATEALTER DATABASE SMMM SET read_committed_snapshot ON --行版本隔离ALTER DATABASE SMMM set MULTI_USER
select object_name(id) as 表名, rows as 使用行数, rtrim(8*reserved/1024)+'Mb' as 分配空间, rtrim(8*dpages/1024) as 使用空间, rtrim(8*(reserved-dpages)/1024) as 未使用空间, rtrim(8*dpages/1024-rows/1024*minlen/1024) as 空闲空间 from sysindexes order by rows desc